Ridiculous Road Users & Dash Cams

I don’t know whether it is a Winter thing, or whether people are just honestly trying to kill everyone on the roads these days, but it has to stop.

I have an approx. 35 minute drive to and from work each day (with no traffic) and can honestly say that I nearly get run off the road, or crashed into at least twice a day. I do not know whether it is because I own a ridiculously small KA Go-Kart car, or people have stopped bothering trying to survive the drive to work…but it is scary.


Not mine, but showing how easily tiny cars can get ripped apart šŸ˜¦

If you are driving, always remember one thing…EVERYONE ON THE ROAD IS AN IDIOT! The issue I have is that as my car is smaller thanĀ most others on the road, if someone hits me, my car is not coming out of that fight on top. (See above pic for example) Then that is me carless, unable to get to work, and probably seriously injured.

Hence my consideration of getting a Dash Cam. Only last weekĀ I had someone swerve into a slip lane last minute, slamming their breaks on in the process. If I hadn’t swerved and slammed my own breaks on, I would have gone into the back of them. This could be considered my fault, and ruin my insurance – no witnesses, no help, trying to avoid a collision and getting blamed in the process – not my idea of fun.

I totally understand people make mistakes, and I am far from the best driver in the world…but come on guys. Use your indicators, give way, get off the damn phone, and my personal most hated: PLEASE stop taking risks/cutting others up when you have children in the car. We do not want to be responsible for the death of a child, just because you needed to get to Tesco’s that little bit quicker.

There, rant over. Just Stay Safe x

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