Small and Mighty

Simply a small girl in a big world. This blog will have my thoughts and ideas on fashion, sports, travel, the world and everything – why limit yourself.ImageOne of my main joys in life is real fashion for real people…wearing clothes that are fashionable but don’t suit a person’s body is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hope this part of my blog will be interesting for people that aren’t the 6ft skinny models that the normal fashion world designs for.

I am passionate about everything I do and am ready to work hard in life. My favourite thing that I’ve heard a few times now when I meet people at work is ‘Oh hi there, I thought you would be older’ – now yes I look 12 sometimes, but I take this as a compliment, thinking I’m older and more experienced at what I do. Breaking stereotypes and being able to say…No actually I’ve organised this event. What you look like should never stop you in the business world, and I am just taking my first steps into smashing into the business world. So come walk with me.

Enjoy 🙂