Brussels, Refugees and Idiots.

My heart honestly goes out to everyone affected by the Brussels Attacks that happened, but this is going to be a slightly angry rant about how when Terrorists do anything – ignorant people use it for politics, agendas and blaming innocent people.

I may be sensitive as I watched Schindler’s List last night, and while being a long arse film, you can’t help but cry at the end. Then with the awful attacks that happened this morning, I noticed something simple and horrendous. People blaming refugees and the language they use (note: English Language Graduate so don’t judge lol) – this language they use to refer to these innocent people was exactly like the language I heard last night…the Nazi Soldiers against the Jewish Community (OVER 70 YEARS AGO).

Brussels.jpg<<< This. This is what I mean. This is one quick example I grabbed off the internet but it proved my point. Can I just take your focus to the disgusted form of the word ‘THEM’ – This is 2016, there is no ‘them’, how many times must we reiterate the fact we are all god-damn Human Beings.

Questions like: “They don’t seem poor and struggling, why do they all have smart phones and nice clothes” – Just put yourself in this position…You get home from work today and your house is lying in rubble, rovers full of crazy arse people with machine guns and machetes are driving up the street. What would you do? Bet the first thing you’d grab is your phone, then a change of clothes…and then fucking run. Because it is either that or die. You try to save yourself by running, and people in their happy countries and warm houses say…”they are just sponging, don’t let them in” and what do you have to turn back to? Starvation and Bullets. Oh yeah, exactly how everyone turned away Jewish refugees just as the war broke out – but we will just gloss over that.

Can we not learn from our past mistakes. Yes ISIS is a terrible threat, but don’t blame the people trying to get away from them, and certainly don’t blame the other (over a billion?) other peaceful Muslims trying to get on with their own lives.

I don’t want my future children in 70 years time looking back on this in the same disgusted way we look back at the way people were persecuted 70 years ago. Put yourself in these people’s shoes before you make ignorant comments.

All anyone wants to do is get on and live, is that so hard to understand.